Thursday, November 22, 2012


Disclaimer: This tutorials are made by,This tutorials are only for education purpose only.Use this at own risk.

How to use ZbigZ Premium Cookie (For Mozilla Firefox Only).(latest version)

Step 1: First Go to And Add it
to Mozilla.(install and restart browser)

Step 2: Then Go to Tools > Cookies Manager+  or click firefox bar(top left)>>web developer>>cookie manager

Step 3: Write on Search Box : zbigz and Select Cookie Named with “PHPSESSID” And Click On Edit.

Step 4:open and search for latest uploaded code

Step 5: Then You Will Get Other Box, In That Box Edit Content With
 our Provided Cookie, And Save it.

Step 6: Reload That Page You Will Get Premium.

Note: Do Not Log-out From That Account…. Otherwise that cookie will get Expired And You Will Lose Premium…

Friday, September 14, 2012



Fast downloads,resume capability,downloads movies,mp3,document,applications,e-books and more. dowload link below


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

boost usb modem speed

1.Right Click My Computer
2.Select Properties
3.Select Device manager

4.Select Ports (if you cant find any modem port, then directly go to modem) Go to your modem port -->
5.Click on bits per second and change it to maximum
6.Click Flow control and change it to none -->
7.In ports --> Go to Advanced --> make sure Use FIFO buffers is checked --> and receive and transmit buffers should be on max.

Thats it your modem speed is increased and now surf the internet with new speed.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

GLO ZTE NETPRO unlock unlimited dc-crap from here

2. Extract the content of the .zip file Once you extracted all the required files, run "dccrap.exe"

3 Disconnect to the internet and plug your USB Modem with a different provider SIM. (for Huawei users,  you dont need to swap any SIM). And insert your modem to the USB port.

4. Choose what "manufacturer" that your modem is. (Huawei Datacards or ZTE Datacards... choose that matches on your Modem.)

5 Click the magnifying glass, and it will search for plugged USB modems.

6 Once the modem is detected, go to login page, type whatever you want. It's just a lame login system.

7  Click Unlocking menu, then choose "unlock".

8  Wait till the unlocker program says that, unlock is successfully done.

9 Now, enjoy your unlocked Modem.

ps: works with most ZTE modems peace n i'm out

Thursday, July 12, 2012



Latest MOBILE PARTNER dashboard for huawei modems
Download link here   
Plug in the modem and install original software and close the application now follow the steps below

1.Download MP23 from here and run

2. Mp23 should successfully identify port of plugged in modem

3.The device info will be displayed

4. Please wait for the mobile partner to download onto your device

5. After successful update remove the modem, plug it in again and run the new firmware

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Windows Live Essential


Complete offline windows live installer
Includes: Messenger, Photo Gallery, Movies maker, Mail, Writer, Family safety, windows live mesh, Messenger Companion, Bing bar, Outlook Connector Pack, and Microsoft Silverlight
click on the link below


ESET-Smart-Security-6 best

  • Protect against Internet Threats
  • Protect your data from Identity Theft
  • Locate and retrieve your stolen laptop with Anti-Theft
  • Personal Firewall - your connections under control
  • Work and play without slowdowns
  • Trusted Zone Authentication
  • System Tools
  • Self-Defense

click here to download

All instructions are included in the file. Please follow instruction carefully

Friday, June 15, 2012

Unlock Vodafone Huawei modem k3770


Install the original Vodafone software that came with the USB modem

Download the latest dashboard from this link or and run


Wait for software to download onto your USB modem

(Remember changing the dashboard automatically terminates your warranty with the operator)


Choose finish and wait for the drivers to install and run the new software


Download universal master code from here or and run.


Choose Huawei tab and insert IMEI and press calculate (copy unlock code)


Insert different sim into modem and run mobile broadband and insert the unlock code.

Remember to say thanks

Unlock Vodafone Huawei modem k3770


Install the original Vodafone software that came with the USB modem

Download the latest dashboard from this link or and run


Wait for software to download onto your USB modem

(Remember changing the dashboard automatically terminates your warranty with the operator)


Choose finish and wait for the drivers to install and run the new software


Download universal master code from here or and run.


Choose Huawei tab and insert IMEI and press calculate (copy unlock code)


Insert different sim into modem and run mobile broadband and insert the unlock code.

Remember to say thanks

SG TCP OPTIMIZER (boost modem speed)


Run tcp optimizer(download here) administrator mode in win 7

Download from here or


Choose type of network adapter(active)

Go on to change connection speed (modem speed is a factor)

Choose settings (optimal) and apply changes

Restart PC and enjoy

How to boost Huawei modem speed


1. Install original software from Huawei usb modem

2. Run Huawei modem unlocker in (administrator mode in win 7) and

underneath the unlock button select MDM UPGRADE UTILITY download from

here or


3. Depending on the type of modem select 7.2 MBPS UPGRADE in download speed section


4. Now unplug and restart PC

5. You can do the same with the upload speed section remember to unplug and restart PC after that


E156 E155, E1550 E1552, E156G E160, E160G E161 E166,

169 E169G, E170, E172, E176 E1762 E180 E182E E196 E226 E270,

E800,E870 E880 EG162 E880 EG162 EG162G EG602 EG602G,

E271, E272, E510 E612 E618 E630 ,E620 E630+ E660 E660a,


K2540, K3515 , K3520, K3565, K3520, K3565

Friday, June 1, 2012



To unlock vodafone k3770,

1.Install the original vodafone software

2,just change the dashboard to mobile partner v23

3.generate the unlock code using universal unlocker

4.Plugin the modem and insert the code and your modem is fully unlocked to accept any network

Friday, January 27, 2012

Facebook sues alleged clickjacking spammer sparking row



Facebook screenshot Some analysts have linked Facebook's spam crackdown to an imminent stock flotation

Facebook is suing a marketing firm, accusing it of "spreading spam through misleading and deceptive tactics".

Adscend Media is alleged to have carried out "clickjacking".

The practice involves placing posts on the social network which include code that causes the links to appear on the users' homepages as a "liked" item without their permission. The links are designed to take users to other sites.

Adscend Media said it "vehemently denied" the "false claims".


Facebook likened its security efforts to an "arms race" and said that it was committed to pursuing "bad actors".

"Facebook's security professionals have made tremendous strides against this particular form of attack and we are intent on eradicating it completely," said Craig Clark, the firm's lead litigation counsel.

"We will continue to use all tools at our disposal to ensure that scammers do not profit from misusing Facebook's services."

Washington State also filed a related lawsuit. Its lawyers said that they believed that this was the first time any state had gone to court to combat spam on the social network.

"We don't 'like' schemes that illegally trick Facebook users into giving up personal information or paying for unwanted subscription services through spam," said the state's attorney general, Rob McKenna.

Mr McKenna's office said that Adscend Media had earned as much $1.2m (£766,000) a month from the practice.

Strong denial

However, the accused firm released a statement on Friday evening which said: "At no time did we engage in the activity alleged in the complaints.

"Adscend Media strictly complies with its legal obligations under federal and state law. We are undertaking an investigation to determine whether any of Adscend Media's affiliates engaged in the activity alleged by the Attorney General's office and Facebook.

"If they did, we are fully certain that the activity was conducted without the company's knowledge."

The firm's lawyer went on to accuse the Washington State authorities of being "irresponsible".

"We find it deeply troubling that the Attorney General's office made a public spectacle of these serious allegations without first questioning the company as part of its investigatory process and, even more inexplicably, without notifying the company that the complaint was being filed," said Mark Rosenberg.

He added that Adscend Media was now prepared to pursue a defamation action against those "responsible for tarnishing the reputation of the company".

Invisible buttons

Facebook has posted an article about the case in which it explained that it believed the "scam" had worked by exploiting a vulnerability in people's internet browsers that allowed its 'Like' button to be hidden.

"Once the 'Like' button is made invisible, scammers can overlay pictures and other content, to trick the user to click on the invisible 'Like' button," it said.

"First, Facebook users are encouraged to click the 'Like' button on the scammers' Facebook Pages, which then alerts their friends to the existence of the page. Then they are told that they cannot access the content unless they complete an online survey or advertising offer."

It said one case had involved a link promising to show a man who had taken a picture of his face every day over eight years.

Facebook said that the content often had not existed, and users had been directed to third-party sites. It alleged that "the scammers receive money for each misdirected user".

Stock sale

Facebook said that less than 4% of the content shared on its site was currently spam.

The internet security firm, Sophos, acknowledged that the network was trying to combat the problem, but suggested further steps should be taken.

"Facebook tried to introduce anti-clickjacking technology to fight the problem, but it was never entirely satisfactory," said the Sophos's senior technology consultant Graham Cluley.

"What would have been good would have been if Facebook had introduced a 'confirmation' dialog every time a user 'likes' a page on a third-party website. That way, the clickjackers would have been able to trick you into clicking like but you would still have had to confirm that you really wanted to share the message with your online friends.

"In the run-up to IPO [initial public offering], we're sure to see Facebook doing more to present itself as company that is fighting security threats like this."

This is the second time this month that Facebook has accused a group of illegal activity on its site. Last week it named several Russia-based suspects who it said were responsible for a malware attack known as the "Koobface worm".

Multiple reports suggest that the network may float its stock within the next four months. Bloomberg says the firm may sell a minority stake for $10bn, valuing the firm at 10 times the price.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

how to: get emails addresses of your Facebook,LinkedIn MySpace network into hotmail account

This is made simple and concise
log in into your Hotmail account and connect your Facebook,LinkedIn,myspace,aol mail,another windows live account, hyves, tagged,Gmail n outlook
from the image I have already connected my facebook account
click on the logo and login or allow access to your account
click on contacts
click on manage and import
click on any of your connected social network

click on the Facebook logo
a pop up window will appear and ask you to share with windows live. choose okay
click select all and invite

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Making a perfect Resume using Social Media


Today Kelly will share her knowledge on making a perfect resume using social media. Job seeking can be made a lot easier if you follow these simple tips to give your resume that professional look.

With the ever increasing use of Social Media Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and a host of others, job seeking and researching has changed quite a lot. The platforms give the job seeker a forum that enables to reach out to recruiters and key decision makers at their target organizations and cut the extra layers.

While the Social Media space is a huge benefit to the job seekers but it should be used in conjunction with the traditional forms of resume and walk-ins. The Social media outlets serve to enhance the more traditional forms like resumes and provide them with a cutting edge which can make the difference between a job seeker and a job holder.

Some of the things that should be kept in mind while drafting a resume and using Social media are:

1. Give a Link to your Online Social Profiles

The resume should have a link to your online profiles especially Linkedin, Twitter and Facebook so as to give you a human face. This ensures transparency and provides a complete profile to potential recruiters.

Making a perfect resume using social media - Give links to your profiles on your resume

Please do keep in mind that your online profiles should be clean and nothing objectionable or offending should be posted.

2. Update your Social Profiles Regularly

When you provide links to your profiles, make sure that these are updated and do not have outdated information. By updated we don’t mean, post anything, rather post interesting content. The presence of interesting content will always help you gain recommendations and earn more profile views.

Update your Profiles regularly on your social platforms

Keep a tab and check all your profiles especially in online professional communities and platforms.

3. Give only a piece, not the Whole Pie!

When you post information from your resume to your online profiles, do check it once and do not copy the entire information as some of it may be confidential like projects and other company related details.

Respect your privacy - choose what goes on your resume

You should also withhold some info for you to discuss during the interview. You have to maintain a nice balance and then decide what to post and what to keep private.

4. Always use relevant Keywords

When you post an online profile or resume, use relevant keywords to describe skills and expertise as most of the recruiters use Google or resume parser applications that produce results based on keywords.

making a perfect resume using social media - use relevant keywords to describe yourself

You may need to stuff your resume with relevant industry jargon, skills and project keywords but do not overdo it. This will ensure that your resume or profile comes up top in the searches and you can land that dream job.

Did you like this article about making a perfect resume using social media? Has it helped you in any way, make sure to share your thoughts with us!

5 ways to tweak your device for faster broadband connection


Slow internet? Learn the 5 ways to tweak your computer for faster broadband internet! These tips will surely overhaul your PC to provide you the best internet experience on your broadband connection.

It is always great to see that our community is embracing the ever growing popularity of the computer and internet everyday. But as expected in situations like these there are several problems that needs to be addressed.

A lot of people invest their time into getting the best computer and internet service only to find out they can’t enjoy it. In most cases these people blame their ISP for these problems but it is very obvious, the problem can as well be with their computer. This blog post will be giving you 5 ways to tweak your computer for faster broadband internet and to enjoy better internet access.

1. Always Shut Down Your Computer Properly, and Regularly

The first thing you have to do is to ensure you’re always shutting down your computer properly and regularly. A computer’s life can be compared to a human’s life. Because even though computers can be active for a longer period of time than humans, they still need rest, which in most cases a simple restart might be enough.

Shut Down your computer regularly

So many people hibernate their computer for weeks or months and then end up wondering why their system isn’t that effective or why some software applications aren’t working well with their computer. Always make sure you shut down your computer at least once in a week. And when you shut down, don’t just shut down by switching your computer off but by using the option provided in the start menu panel of your computer.

2. Always Keep Your Desktop Clean

A lot of us clutter our desktop with applications we have no need for and the reality is that so many of these application use a large percentage of our CPU. Thus this leads our computer to become slower than it ought to be.

Always keep your computer desktop clean

To really get the best performance on your computer, make sure you keep your desktop clean by ensuring there are minimal icons on your desktop. This means you shouldn’t be downloading files from the internet directly to your desktop. You can easily make things easier by creating folders to help you organize a particular group of files and applications. This will bring about great results on the long run.

3. Do a Regular System Check, and Uninstall Unused Applications

The next thing you can do to ensure your computer becomes more stable to enjoy a faster internet is to do regular system checks to see how many applications you have installed on your computer. Also decide which ones are really necessary and which ones should be removed.

Uninstall unwanted programs from your computer

The less number of applications you have on your computer the faster it can be, so make it a duty to be pruning your computer on a regular basis.

4. Use a Better Internet Browser

The internet browser you use can also have a great impact on how fast your internet will be or which results you will get. So always make sure, you use the best browser available to you. For example, i find that using a browser like Google Chrome is faster than most of the other browsers out there so I use it when I need to get things done faster.

5 ways to tweak your computer for faster broadband internet - Get google chrome

5. Always Clear Your Private Data

Another thing I have observed is that the more websites I access on my computer the slower my browser becomes, and I notice a great increase in internet speed after clearing my private data.

5 ways to tweak your computer for faster broadband internet - Clear your private data from your browser

Whenever you visit a website it stores a cookie and sometimes downloads files to your computer. In most cases these files use a particular percentage of your computer memory. Clearing your private data regularly will make your computer faster for better internet usage.

Have you found this article about the 5 ways to tweak your computer for faster broadband internet useful? Tell us your unique ways in the comments.

How to install application in mac Tags: ,,,

Today i was just whiling away time on my Mac when i discovered why not write a tutorial on How to install applications in Mac! Many newbies to Mac find it a little hard on setting up programs for the first time. Some users after downloading an app from the internet don’t know how to install applications in Mac OS X operating system. This tutorial is meant for those beginners, oh and also greetings to you on purchasing a new MAC. Congrats!

This tutorial can be easily explained in three simple steps:


Step 1 – Download any application from the internet that you want to install it on your Mac and make sure the file extension is .dmg (MAC OS X Disk Image file). DMG file is a mountable disk image standard created in the MAC OS which when opened mounts a virtual disk on the desktop. More information about the .dmg extension can be found here. For demonstration purposes i have downloaded Mozilla Firefox. After downloading the application you will get a disk image file as seen above,  in my case it is Firefox 4.0.1.dmg


Step 2 - Just copy the downloaded file to your Applications folder or you can also drag it into the App folder located in your docklet. It will automatically get installed. The installation procedure is the same for every other MAC software, you can check out other cool apps available for your MAC right here.


Step 3 – Open the App folder from your dock and locate your install program icon. Click it and you are good to go. For easy access you can drag the icon from the App folder into your docklet. The program will be then pinned to your dock.

Thats it! Easy isn’t it? Now you know how to install applications in Mac. To your surprise i once was stuck in the same situation, fortunately there was GOOGLE for me!

Monday, January 23, 2012

GLO Ghana




You can reserve a Glo number by texting 0233 and any 6 preferred 0233-123456 to 0230010100. Welcome on board the Glo flight.

Friday, January 20, 2012

How to Create a Google Plus Brand Page


During the initial launch, Google Plus was limited to personal profiles unlike it’s rival Facebook which had a platform where brands can create pages for themselves. Plus was then a platform for connecting people to people and not with brands.During the initial phase it never allowed Brands to Create profiles for themselves by imposing strict name checks while creating the profile. In 2011 November Google however released it’s equivalent of the Facebook Pages, which they have termed as Google Plus Brand Pages.

Creating a Google Plus Brand Page is very easy, and you wont take more than a minute to do that.

Creating a Brand Page on Google Plus

If you want to create a Google Plus Brand page, head over to this link

You will be asked to pick a Category to which your business belongs. Pick one of them. If you are not sure what category your business belongs to, you can choose the “Other” Category as I did. You will be asked to fill in some  information like Name of the Page, and the URL of your Blog. You can see that I have given BloggerPlugins as the Page name and as the link to my website.Creating Google Plus Brand Page - Pick Category

Now you can enter a 10 word tag line and add a profile photo. The tag line will be displayed on your Brand Page and it should be something that gives a quick idea of what your Blog is all about. I have given my Tagline as “Tutorials and Gadgets for Blogger”

Creating Google Plus Brand Page - Tag Line and Profile Photo

The next step is the most important of all. By now your Brand Page has been created and you have to let the world know of it. The first thing that you could do is to let the people in your Circles know about your Brand Page. The next screen will help you do just that.It will prompt you to share your page with those in your circles. You can choose whom do you want to share it with and  post it to your Stream.

Creating Google Plus Brand Page - Share Page to Google Plus

Click the Finish Button and you have successfully created your Google Plus Page. Wasn’t that dead simple?

If you want to  have more people who have your page in their Circles, then you will have to promote your Brand Page. One way of doing it is by using a Google Plus Page Badge on your Blog.